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We help instill a love for God and His Word in the hearts and minds of the next generation.  

BSF Kids

Ages 0-5

BSF explores God’s Word with the next generation because we believe life’s answers are found in the Bible. These answers provide children with a biblical foundation on which to build their love for and knowledge of God. Loving, well-trained leaders teach little ones in a safe environment about God and the Bible in age-appropriate ways. Children typically study the same passage as adults to foster spiritual conversations, though their passage may be shorter for age-appropriateness. 

When preschoolers outgrow their group, they are encouraged to change to a Student group (Ages 5-17). 

A Typical BSF Kids Class

Opening Free Play 

Fun activities help children transition to the classroom. This interactive time provides great opportunities for developing a relationship with each child.  

Bible Story Time

Children develop a love and respect for God’s Word (based on the adult class passages). Children’s Leaders teach God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to transform hearts and minds. 

Scripture Verse

Children are introduced to specific passages of God’s Word. These verses are intentionally chosen to build and increase their faith in God and the Bible. 


Children worship God in song. Children’s Leaders guide children to praise God with voices and hearts. 

Quiet Time

Children are introduced to the lifelong habit of taking time to think about God. This short quiet period provides an opportunity for each child to grow in spirit while resting their body. 

Large Muscle and Rhythm Time

Children exercise their bodies in this fun, structured time. Their excitement is constructively channeled by leaders to help them expend energy and exercise their growing bodies. 

For Infants

BSF Kids is more than childcare. Our trained leaders incorporate Free Play, Bible Story Time, and Singing into every week’s lesson. Even our youngest members experience God’s timeless truth as their leaders pray, sing, recite scripture, and share a structured lesson.

Safety and Security

This overview video details how BSF cares for the spiritual and physical protection of your children.

Special requirements for Australia and New Zealand

Check out BSF Kids on YouTube

We post videos to help kids learn about God’s love and to engage with His Word. Find everything from Bible lessons to songs to animated series.