
The long-awaited Messiah first promised in Genesis surprised everyone. He was not the kind of Savior people were looking for then … or now.

Gentle and compassionate to the marginalized yet bold in confronting religious institutions, Jesus came to make rebels His children. Forging the only path to forgiveness and salvation, Jesus deserved a crown of glory but willingly wore a crown of thorns. His death looked like defeat but brought eternal victory.

Embracing the words of Jesus will change your life.

Who is Jesus? What do His words have to do with your life? How can Jesus possibly bring peace and satisfaction to your life and broken world today? Explore God’s answers to these questions and more in community.

Study Overview

Bible Study Fellowship walks through Matthew chapter by chapter, exploring God’s Word in context. We will savor the life of Jesus, from His miraculous birth, insightful teachings, unbelievable miracles and penetrating parables until ultimately journeying alongside Him to the cross and Easter morn. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ shows how God’s one and only Son provides the only path for every human being to find redemption and reconciliation to their Creator God.

Matthew Themes

Jesus’ humble incarnation

Jesus came to earth as a baby, sent as our perfect Redeemer.

Jesus’ perfect life

He taught, healed and ministered with divine authority. 

Jesus’ sacrificial death

He willingly offered Himself as the sacrifice for sin.

Jesus victorious resurrection

He rose from the grave proclaiming victory over sin and death.

Bring Your Kids!

The BSF Children’s Program for infants and pre-schoolers teaches children the truths of Matthew on their own level. Students from Kindergarten through age 18 can explore God’s truth for themselves in the School Program. Click below to learn more:


 A Deeper Way to Study Together

Through our four-fold approach, members answer daily questions from Scripture in a personal study time and then discuss the passage in a weekly discussion group, listen to teaching on the passage and then finally read notes that explore the passage further. Everyone, all ages, explore the same Scripture passages so family’s can share their learnings together.




in Small-group


to Teaching


Biblical Commentary