Giving Information & Donation Policy
Donations to BSF are private, confidential and safe.
If you make a donation to BSF, you’ll appreciate knowing that:
- All of the information provided by donors is private and confidential. Therefore, BSF does not maintain, generate, sell, or otherwise make available any mailing lists of its donors for any purposes.
- BSF maintains donor information for the sole purpose of generating appropriate receipts that are sent to donors to acknowledge their gifts. Notifications of memorial and honorarium gifts are sent only upon the specific request of the donor.
- BSF maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to guard donor information from unauthorized access or disclosure. Donor information is not disclosed to any outside party unless otherwise required by law.
Online Giving
BSF accepts electronic gifts online by credit card worldwide or by debit card or direct debit from U.S. banks through a secure website.
Bible Study Fellowship and BSF International, LLC act as the U.S. receiving agents for electronic donations on behalf of certain BSF organizations legally registered in other countries — specifically BSF International (Canada) Limited and BSF International (Australasia) Limited. BSF receives all such electronic donations in trust on behalf of these registrations to which the gift was made, and forwards such gifts to the appropriate registration. Electronic donations are identified with registrations based upon the donor’s country of residence as entered during the online giving process.
Receipts are sent by e-mail for every online gift processed. Duplicates are available upon request to donorcare@bsfinternational.org or by calling (210) 492-4676.